BlueTooth App

BlueTooth Connectivity.
Setup in a minute.MOTIONBLINDS-Richmond-0100-3-loresScaleMaxWidthWzEyNjBd.jpg
Our motion blinds motors can be set up and programmed in a minute, drastically simplifying installation, automation and control of your motorised blinds. Our motion blinds BlueTooth safeguards 100% privacy, it works without a connection to the internet. All the information is stored in the blind motor without any cloud dependency. 

Connect and Control.MOTIONBLINDS-SETUP-CODE-SCANScaleMaxWidthWzEyNjBd.jpg
Our BlueTooth motion blinds are so simple to set up. Download the Motion Blinds Bluetooth APP. Scan the setup code and follow the simple steps in the APP to control your blinds

Automate With Timers.MOTIONBLINDS-APP-8lowresScaleMaxWidthWzEyNjBd.jpg
You can easily place your blinds on autopilot through the BlueTooth APP. As the information is held in the motor the blinds will continue to open and close at the programmed time even when you and your mobile device are not home.

Motion Blinds BlueTooth APP.

Scan the Setup Code.
 Control By Smart Phone
 Automate With Timers
 MB-Bluetooth-App-HomeFocusFillWzgyNCwxMDcyLCJ5IiwyNjVd.jpg  MB-Bluetooth-App-SwipeFocusFillWzgyNCwxMDcyLCJ5IiwyOTBd-JtWgoR.jpg  MB-Bluetooth-App-TimerFocusFillWzgyNCwxMDcyLCJ5IiwyOTBd-3C4hWn.jpg
Inastall your blinds, download the motion blinds bluetooth APP. Scan the setup code either in the blind toggle or in the instructios provided, and the setup is complete.
Now you window coverings can be operated with the Motion Blinds APP on your smart phone. This works within a distance of 10 Metres.
The Motion Blinds BlueTooth APP allows you to program your blinds with timers. Have your blinds open at the exact time you want on the day you want. Even when you are away.